Neil Gearns is a mad man and should not be allowed to mingle with humans. However, he is inspired so, we are unleashing him for the 2015 Noche Art Event this year. Neil is a poet, a painter, an occasional performer, and mixed media artist. He is super creative, and I personally just love to hear his laugh. If Noche had Neil and nothing else it would still be amazing. I sent him the five 2015 artist questions for Noche and here he is Mr. Neil Gearns in his own words...
Q: What kinds of art do you plan on bringing to this year's Noche event?
A: Why are you attempting to limit my creativity with questions that contain concepts like, bring and art, you know I'm much too imaginative to be limited by dogmatic propaganda such as this. ;) (Joke)
On a serious note, I'll probably bring some free form sculpture, a little jewelry and I'm working on a chap book of poetry about day of the dead.
Q: If you were to pick a person or two or three to memorialize this year for Day of the Dead, who would it be?
A: My parents and father in law. My parents encouraged me to have a balanced life, to make time for family, work, self and art. My father in law and I became friends over the years, he loved to go out sell his art and be exposed to the strange and unusual side of life.
Q: What do you try to accomplish with your art?
A: I want people to see my art and feel something. I saw the Grand Canyon a few years ago and thought, that is one big beautiful hole in the ground. Man if one looks at something like that and is not moved, well, I guess there are many ways to be dead or alive. My wife Heather talks about this concept deeply, it really inspires me. Heather taught me, good art gives you something, a feeling of wonder, joy or even disgust / anger. That's what I want to accomplish with art, look at it and get something, something that was not put there by society or your parents, feel something that is you.
Q: Where else and when can we see more of your art in the future?
A: Lately I've been showing at the Firehouse or look me up on the book of the face.
Q: When you die, what do you hope people put on your Dia de los Muertos altar?
A: I have this delusion that I try to live a life of self exploration and improvement. To constantly live and learn. For all of my attempts at growth the basic truth is, I'm mostly motivated by food and sex. So I guess on my alter it would be chocolate cake. Chocolate cake is the metaphorical sex of the food world. So Yea chocolate cake.
I knew I had lightning in a bottle when I roped Neil into this! Awesome! You're a crazy mad scientist of art and I love you!
This year's Noche is Friday, October 16 7-9pm at The Old Adobe Mission. That's at 3821 N. Brown St. in Old Town Scottsdale.
There will also be carved pumpkin art by my brother Brian, outdoor projections by the ultimate stand up dude Pat Klein, and live music by Adam & Edel. Be there.... living or dead... all are welcome.... for real.