Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Noche 2015 Artist Interview: Andrew "The Slow Poisoner" Goldfarb

Andrew Goldfarb is a contributing artist to this year's Noche event at the Old Adobe Mission in Old Town Scottsdale. Andrew is a twisted comic artist, a swamp rock-a-billy one-man-band, and a truly bizarre author. His one-man-band project is entitled "The Slow Poisoner". Andrew's music and live performance is seriously the best thing happening in any kind of music anywhere on the globe. His book and comics are a delight to read, as long as you have a strong stomach for the strange and absurd. Also, his paintings are captivating.

Mr. Goldfarb will not be able to attend the event in person, because he lives in an untamed wilderness known as San Francisco. However, I sent him the five 2015 Noche artist questions. Here are his responses:

Q: What kinds of art do you plan on bringing to this year's Noche event?
A: I've contributed a black velvet painting of Santa Muerte, the patron saint of mariachi musicians, bicycle messengers and taxi drivers. She is also known as the Lady of the Seven Powers, Skinny Lady, and Our Lady of the Holy Death.
Q: If you were to pick a person or two or three to memorialize this year for Day of the Dead, who would it be?
A: Actress Catherine Coulson, best known as the Log Lady from Twin Peaks, who just passed.
Q: What do you try to accomplish with your art?
A: I aim to convey an atmosphere of mystery. I find that the medium of painting on black velvet is effective in this regard.
Q: Where else and when can we see more of your art in the future?
A: I post my paintings and comics online at www.OgnerStump.com
Q: When you die, what do you hope people put on your Dia de los Muertos altar?
A: Cupcakes!

Thank you, Slow Poisoner! I look forward to unveiling your haunting painting onto the people of Scottsdale soon.

This year's Noche is Friday, October 16 7-9pm at The Old Adobe Mission. That's at 3821 N. Brown St. in Old Town Scottsdale. My borther, Brian will be showing off his pumpkin carvings, Pat Klein will be doing some projection work and Adam & Edel will be providing the music. There's something for everyone, so stop on by and give us some bear hugs, you crazy cats!

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